Goldsmiths / Teaching
The bulk of my work at Goldsmiths has been for Gerald Lidstone on the MA in Arts Administration and Cultural Policy as part of the Institute for Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE). The course has tripled in student numbers in the 20+ years I’ve worked on it and mixes UK and foreign students with a strong East / South East Asian component. I enjoy the variety of art forms and cultural / political contexts covered by students in their dissertation choices. I have gone on to work with at least 4 graduates on different projects. I have also worked on the MAs in Cultural Policy, Relations & Diplomacy and Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship, looking dramaturgically at the role that story plays in creative business development. I co-supervise PhD students, also at ICCE.
Theatre, Film, and Television
In July 2013 I took over as Convenor of the MA in Writing for Performance and Dramaturgy at Goldsmiths for 18 months.
I have also taught on the Undergraduate Dramaturgy and MA Disability Theatre modules there.
I was Visiting Fellow at the Department of Film, Theatre & Television at The University of Reading 2017-2020.
I was External Examiner on the BA Drama, Scriptwriting at Northumbria University 2014-2018 and External Assessor on the MA in Scriptwriting at UEA 2002-2017.
I also directed students on an earlier version of the UEA MA in Scriptwriting programme, as well teaching and directing undergraduates at UEA on the Drama BA.
Recent workshops include Presenting Yourself - Being Present for King’s College London and The Cactus, The Mulberry and The Chicken Shop (modelling theatre for young audiences) for the Slovenian Theatre Institute, Ljubljana
I have run career development workshops for Liverpool Everyman / Playhouse, Tinderbox, New Writing South, NALD, literaturetraining and Menagerie. I facilitated a dozen career development round tables for playwrights across the UK as part of writernet’s Turning Heads Into Tales (2006-2007)
I have facilitated workshops for and with theatre artists and students working transnationally across the world in Stockholm, Malmo, Tampere, Helsinki, Vilnius, Rokiskis, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Warsaw, Mannheim, Chemnitz, Remscheid, Sydney, Graz, Atlanta, Chapel Hill, New Haven, New London, New York, Toronto, Petaling Jaya, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Trabzon, Cairo, Rabat, Timisoara, Sofia, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Budapest, Prishtina, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, Bondy, Roubaix, La Charité-sur-Loire, Galway, Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, Cardiff, London and across the UK.
I have set up and delivered four different mentoring schemes for playwrights and mentored a number of talented individual playwrights. Recently I have worked as mentor with director Nathalie Carrington in London at This New Ground, playwright Jason Chak-ming Lam in Hong Kong, disabled writer/director Vici Wreford-Sinnott in Stockton-on-Tees and dramaturg Pamela McQueen in Dublin.
If you would like to be considered for mentoring, then please get in touch with a proposal as to how you might want to work. Paid or pro bono.